Online Caregiver Chat

Online Caregiver Chat

We invite caregivers from all eras, all relationships, and across all locations to connect with their peers for support in a text-only chat.

By American Red Cross Military and Veteran Caregiver Network (MVCN)

Date and time

Wednesday, January 13, 2021 · 4:30 - 5:30pm PST



About this event

Our caregiver chats are live interactions in a text only format -- all interactions are done simply by texting and/or typing your responses. Our chats are conducted in a safe environment using Slack. Caregivers can access the chat by using MVCN-caregiver-channel on from a PC or the Slack mobile app.

Registration is required to ensure you have access to the chat. Please register with your preferred email address. You will receive information to set up your Slack account prior to the beginning of the chat. If you have participated in chats previously, you will have continued access to the MVCN-caregiver-channel.

Organized by

The mission of the MVCN is to provide our nation’s military and veteran caregivers of all eras with peer support to reduce isolation and increase connection, engagement, knowledge, skills and hope.


The MVCN helps caregivers of all eras and at all stages of caregiving by providing access to three peer support programs:

Online Peer Support CommunityPeer Mentor Support ProgramPeer Support Groups (Online & Community-Based)

The MVCN helps caregivers of all eras and at all stages, including partners and supporters, by providing access to two public caregiver-focused services:

Hero Care Resource Directory

Caregiver Calendar


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